Carol's Corner
Interests Favorites Katrina's Page Poems and Such


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I am 53 years old and glad to be here.  (I just don't care for the alternative)  I have worked for the state of Oklahoma for 20 years.  I was born in North Dakota (do not like the cold) and have lived in Oklahoma for 29 years.

I have a good looking husband who is a programmer (but lets me struggle on my own).  His best quality is that he is willing to put up with me.

My hobbies (other than the computer of course) is writing and you will find some samples under Poems and Such.

For a little more information about me, check out the my Interests

And to find out my favorite links, go to my Favorites page.

Of special interest is Katrina's Page which is a sample of my daughter's writing.

My Favorite Sayings: Click to View List Entries.

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This page was last updated on 07/08/01.


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